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We warmly welcome you to join the Bell County Texas Democratic Women!  Join us at our meetings on the third Saturday of the month where you will be among friends and like-minded individuals.  Our meetings feature speakers who are doing good things for the community, current Democratic office holders and candidates running for office.  We provide workshop opportunities to learn more about volunteerism within the Democratic Party.  Check out our calendar to find other opportunities to engage with us such as luncheons, happy hours, fundraisers, and our monthly book club among others.  We believe that persisting in this work requires fun and joy! 


We are a passionate group of women and men whose mission is to encourage, support, and empower Democratic women running for office, as well as contributing positively to the community in Bell County.   BCTDW is a chapter of the Texas Democratic Women (TDW) and the National Federation of Democratic Women (NFDW).  We are a Political Action Committee; therefore, we can make contributions to individual candidates.


We are especially proud of the BCTDW Scholarship Program where we award scholarships to deserving graduating seniors from Bell County to help them prepare for college.  You won’t want to miss the Scholarship Event in May where all the Scholarship winners read their winning essays and Scholarships are awarded.  There is hardly a dry eye in the room when we hear the moving stories of the sacrifice, hardship and determination of these young people to stay in school and get an education.


Women are the backbone of political work!  We are the phone bankers, the canvassers, the trainers, the event hosts, the resource experts, legislative advocates, and community leaders.  We are on the front lines against the rising movement of autocracy and theocracy in Texas and across the country.  We feel the weight of these times and know with certainty that we will be the ones to meet the challenge of saving Democracy. We must keep women’s voices at the center of the conversation on women’s healthcare, education, voting rights, human rights, gun safety and the environment.


BCTDW is a resource for both Democratic activists and candidates.  We are deeply engaged in our local elections, both partisan and nonpartisan as volunteers for candidates, getting out the Democratic vote, registering voters and as election workers.  There is something to do for everyone to further the cause of Democracy.  In these days when our basic, core values are at stake, when the constitution and the rule of law are under attack, when voting rights are in peril, there has never been a greater need for political activism in our lifetimes.  We hope you will join us!


“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.”

Edward Everett Hale


The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience,
but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. - MLK

We Need Your Support Today!

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